China’s Assertion on Arunachal Pradesh is Ridiculous- “Germany’s statement”

At his first press conference, Germany’s new ambassador to India, Philipp Ackermann, stated that China’s Assertion on Arunachal Pradesh is Ridiculous & his country is fully aware of the problems at India’s northern border.

It is ‘outrageous’ that China claims Arunachal Pradesh as a vital component of its country.


On Tuesday, Germany criticized China for violating the international order along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) and for making absurd territorial claims over Arunachal Pradesh.

The challenges along India’s northern border are fully understood by Germany’s government, according to Philipp Ackermann, the country’s new ambassador to New Delhi.

It is ‘outrageous‘ that China claims that Arunachal Pradesh is an essential component of it.It should not be tolerated to cross the border illegally, he said.

As previously documented,

Despite various instances of disengagement, India, and China have been trapped in a standoff at tense locations in eastern Ladakh for nearly two years. This is true despite numerous rounds of military, diplomatic, and political talks between the two sides.

He now told the media that the issue with Ukraine has numerous effects on the rest of the world.

The new German envoy drew a distinction between the continuing conflict between Russia and Ukraine and the impasse at the India-China border in answer to media questions about it.

He said, “One should distinguish that China does not control 20% of the Indian Territory. Adding that not every town but every village in the region is systematically being destroyed.

The incoming German ambassador claims that India has experienced this on its northern frontiers every few years.

In addition, “the Indian side very clearly acknowledges this violation of international law,” even though “we might not agree with every line on Ukraine when talking to Indian colleagues.”

He said that New Delhi needed to comprehend how Europe felt about Russia’s war on Ukraine. Security of food and energy are just a couple of the many worldwide effects of the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

Although New Delhi had previously abstained in previous “procedural votes” at the UN Security Council over Ukraine, last week was the first time since the conflict began in February of this year that India voted against Russia.

The Russian plan to ban Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy from attending the UNSC conference through video conferencing was what the Indians voted against.

The UNSC position of India has improved as a result of New Delhi’s action, the envoy said, adding that he has never seen such aggression in the UNSC.

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