China Abandons “Neelum-Jhelum” Hydro Power Project


Pakistan lost 18 billion dollars due to a rise in floods, 1400 died and lakhs of Pakistani citizens are affected.

China stopped working on the 969-megawatt Neelum-Jhelum hydropower project in Pakistan, putting a sizable chunk of the nation in the dark.

On July 7th, 2007, China federation CGGC – CMEC(Gezhouba Group and China National Machinery Import and Export Corporation) recommended building the dam and power station. In 2008 Jan,  terms were settled and the letter of commencement was issued. On the 8th of Feb, Pakistan’s president Musharaf announced that the project would begin.China Abandons Neelum-Jhelum Hydro Power Project

Major Set Back

In a major setback for Pakistan, China abandoned the repair of the mega 969-megawatt Neelum-Jhelum hydropower project, leaving a major portion of the country in the dark at a time when the country is already struggling to meet its electricity requirements amid floods.

According to a Pakistani-based media outlet, the hydropower project is based in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir and has been shut down since early July this year.

However, China’s abrupt cancellation of the project has caused a significant divide between Pakistan and China over collaborative hydropower projects. The Chinese have cited local protests against the plant and the Pakistani police’s inability to provide reliable security as justifications.China Abandons Neelum-Jhelum Hydro Power Project

However, soon, according to Pakistani media, disagreements over collaborative projects emerged between the Chinese and Pakistani governments on a number of occasions.

The project has been halted and the power station shut down for safety reasons, according to the Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA), which manages hydroelectric plants. On the one hand, Islamabad accused China of functioning improperly, while China accused Pakistan of failing to pay its debts on time.

Officials from WAPDA and China brought up the slow pace despite schedule extensions, the poor quality of the construction, and the inadequate management and oversight at the conference.

The Special Branch, Counter-Terrorism Department (CTD), and Security Division were tasked with conducting quarterly security arrangement audits, according to the report.

The development occurred over two weeks after Cheng Guoping, the external security commissioner for China, led a group to Islamabad and asked Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif to improve security measures for Chinese nationals who have been working on the CPEC project.

Soon, we will see that China will start to invest in the global development initiative in which China will make its own blog to counter the US and Europe. Further, the positive impact could be seen in the India-China relations too, China will try to opt for a friendly approach toward India.

If, India- China come together then definitely Asia will be going to empower European countries with ease.



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