Pakistan Flood: 1,000 Dead, Third Of Country Submerged

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Pakistan Flood: 1000 Dead, Third Of Country Submerged

Pakistan Flood: 1000 Dead, Third Of Country Submerged Due to ruined infrastructure and floodwaters, the Swat Valley in Pakistan’s Kyber Pakhtunkhwa province was largely cut off from the rest of the nation.

Climate change minister Sherry Rehman claimed on Monday that a third of the country was under water as a result of flooding brought on by record-breaking monsoon rains,

which are causing tens of millions of people to battle the worst monsoon floods in a decade and have already claimed hundreds of lives.

Rehman claimed that the problem had reached “unimaginable proportions” due to the monsoon rains.

As the nation struggles to deal with floods that have affected 33 million people, she told the news agency AFP that “it’s just one big ocean, there’s no dry land to pump the water out.”

The Swat Valley, which is home to millions of people, is located in Pakistan’s northern Kyber Pakhtunkhwa province and has been largely cut off from the rest of the nation by destroyed infrastructure and floodwaters.

Food and medicine were running out, according to locals, who also reported having limited access to electricity.

Here are the top 10 flood updates from Pakistan:

1. Since the start of the seasonal rains in June, up to 1,061 people have died,

but the final death toll may be higher because hundreds of towns in the hilly north are now shut off after flood-swollen rivers wiped away roads and bridges, according to news agency AFP.

2. According to the National Disaster Management Authority, this year’s flooding has affected more than 33 million people or one in seven Pakistanis.

The floods this year are akin to those in 2010, which were the worst on record and resulted in more than 2,000 fatalities.

3. Desperation is beginning to set in in the tent camps that have appeared across the nation as a result of flood victims. “It’s unpleasant to live here.

It’s about our self-respect, “Fazal e Malik, a resident of the town of Nowshera in the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa who is taking refuge on the grounds of a school that is now home to over 2,500 people, stated.

4. Weeks of nonstop rain have inundated millions of acres of fertile farmland, but now the Indus is in danger of overflowing as torrents of water flow from tributaries in the north.

5. According to Balochistan’s Chief Minister,

Mir Abdul Qudoos Bizenjo, more than two months of flooding caused the province to sustain damages of more than 200 billion Pakistani rupees ($900 million).

6. Pakistan’s foreign minister stated that the nation requires financial assistance to deal with the “crushing” floods, and he expressed optimism that international organizations like the International Monetary Fund would consider the economic consequences.

7. The IMF executive board was expected to meet on Monday to decide whether to approve the continuation of a $6 billion loan program that the government needs to settle its foreign debt, but it is clearly obvious that additional money would be needed to rebuild after this rainfall.

8. In a statement of sympathy to Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, Britain’s Queen Elizabeth said: “My sympathies are with all of those who have been impacted, as well as those working in trying conditions to support the recovery efforts.”

9. After announcing an emergency

requesting assistance from abroad, the first aid flights from Turkey and the United Arab Emirates started to arrive on Sunday. For Pakistan, whose economy is in freefall, it could not have arrived at a worse moment.

10. Vendors complain about a scarcity of supply from the flooded breadbasket provinces of Sindh and Punjab, which is causing prices of basic items, especially onions, tomatoes, and chickpeas, to surge.

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